NEW FEATURE - View coupon redemption stats
You can now see a list of who redeemed your coupon codes along with a graph of the redemption history over time! Just click on Member Plans in your top navigation > click Create/Edit Coupons > then click View Stats.
ENHANCEMENT - Better member search and filtering
We redesigned the search/filter in the Members area so you can view more members without scrolling as much.
We also added additional filter options for the Member Plan Status dropdown.
Now by default when you view your Member list you will see every person who is not considered an abandoned sign up (i.e. someone who went to join a plan but then never entered their credit card details successfully).
ENHANCEMENT - Improved Dashboard view
You may have already noticed the improved design of the Dashboard view you see by default when visiting your MemberSpace backend. If not, just click the MemberSpace logo in the top left of your MemberSpace backend to view your new Dashboard.
We tried to simplify things while also making our Revenue Recovery feature more prominent so you can easily track how much money MemberSpace is recovering for you each month.